A few key elements of my CV are given here.
Academic employment:
Academic employment:
- Associate professor, Cold molecules, precision tests of fundamental physics, University of Groningen, (06/2015 - present)
- Assistant professor, Manipulation of the motion and quantum state of neutral molecules in external fields, University of Groningen (11/2009-05/2015)
- Group leader, Magnetic and electrostatic trapping of molecules, Fritz-Haber Institut, Berlin (01/2008 - 11/2009)
- Postdoc, Stark deceleration and trapping of molecules, Fritz-Haber Institut, Berlin (05/2005 - 12/2007)
- PhD, Laser cooling of calcium atoms, University of Groningen (2005)
- NWO-XL grant 2022, for our RUG/Nikhef/VU/UvA consortium. I am principal investigator, in this joint effort with Rick Bethlem, Anastasia Borschevsky, Rob Timmermans, Wim Ubachs, Jordy de Vries and Lorenz Willmann, 'Using cold molecules to search for fundamental asymmetry'
- NWO M2 grant 2022, with Anastasia Borschevsky, 'Probing Particle Physics with Polyatomic molecules'
- NWO VICI personal grant 2022, 'Searching for missing antimatter with trapped molecules'
- National Science Agenda Startimpuls 2017 'Optical sensing of vibrations and earthquakes', co-PI with G. Palazantzas, K. Jungmann, E. Pallante, C. van der Wal, L. Willmann, D. van Oosten, P. van der Straten, H. Wörtche, E. Domnitch, D. Gelfand, Läslo Evers
- FOM Nikhef/VSI/VU joint program dec 2016, 'Physics beyond the Standard Model with cold molecules', I am program leader, seven applicants (R. Bethlem, A. Borschevsky, S. Hoekstra, K. Jungmann, R. Timmermans, W. Ubachs, L. Willmann)
- NWO VIDI personal grant 2013, 'A cold trap for dark matter'
- FOM Projectruimte 2011, 'Ultracold Molecules reflecting broken symmetry', single applicant S.Hoekstra
- FOM KVI/VU Joint program 2011, 'Broken mirrors and drifting constants', eight applicants (H. Bethlem, K. Eikema, R. Hoekstra, S. Hoekstra, K. Jungmann, W.Ubachs, W. Vassen, L. Willmann)
PhD projects supervised:
- I have supervised 11 completed PhD theses projects, of which 3 as co-promotor and 8 as main promotor. Currently I am promotor of 5 PhD students.
- Currently teaching 2nd year Waves and Optics (for physics, applied phyics and astronomy) and The Quantum world (university-wide minor).
- Obtained Senior Teacher Qualification (2023)
- Elected Teacher of the year, Physics and applied physics (2020)
- Fellowship for innovation of teaching, Honours College RUG (2017)
- Supervised 58 bachelor students and 26 master students (as of 01/2025)