Journal article
Science, vol. 313(5793), 2006 Aug 15, pp. 1617-1620
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Gilijamse, J. J., Hoekstra, S., van de Meerakker, S. Y. T., Groenenboom, G. C., & Meijer, G. (2006). Near-threshold inelastic collisions using molecular beams with a tunable velocity. Science, 313(5793), 1617–1620.
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Gilijamse, Joop J., Steven Hoekstra, Sebastiaan Y. T. van de Meerakker, Gerrit C. Groenenboom, and Gerard Meijer. “Near-Threshold Inelastic Collisions Using Molecular Beams with a Tunable Velocity.” Science 313, no. 5793 (August 15, 2006): 1617–1620.
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Gilijamse, Joop J., et al. “Near-Threshold Inelastic Collisions Using Molecular Beams with a Tunable Velocity.” Science, vol. 313, no. 5793, Aug. 2006, pp. 1617–20.
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title = {Near-threshold inelastic collisions using molecular beams with a tunable velocity},
year = {2006},
month = aug,
day = {15},
issue = {5793},
journal = {Science},
pages = {1617-1620},
volume = {313},
author = {Gilijamse, Joop J. and Hoekstra, Steven and van de Meerakker, Sebastiaan Y. T. and Groenenboom, Gerrit C. and Meijer, Gerard},
month_numeric = {8}